Daytime Dynamo Experiment (Kyushu University Project)
Following the success of previous experimental projects, the Electronics department of Bermuda College was blessed once again to be called upon to lend support to yet another university project. This time it was the Space Environment Research Center (SERC) of Kyushu University, Japan.
Kyushu University's history can be traced back to 1903 when it was established as Fukuoka Medical College affilliated to Kyoto Imperial University. In 1911, Kyushu Imperial University was re-established as one of the former seven imperial universities in Japan, and it was renamed Kyushu University in 1947. In it's history of nearly 100 years, Kyushu University has contributed to higher education in Japan.
In recent years, the Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) group at the Space Enviroment Research Center (SERC) of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan seeks to deploy around the world in a strategic fashion a new generation of tri-axial flux gate magnetometers (called MAGDAS) that transfer the digitized data to a central SERC server in real time for space weather study. The strategy is to put the magnetometers in well-defined "bands" on the globe that are useful for scientific exploration.
Similar to the CARE project, The Royal Naval Dockyard became the ideal location for this experiment as it offered housing for personal and equipment and easy access to a reliable power source.
In July 2011,the experiment was conducted by SERC, Kyushu University in cooperation with the National Museum at the Royal Naval Dockyard and Bermuda College. The project was financially supported by the Japanese Government.