Nasa site locations

Student research

FPQ6 Radar crew

Rockets and Balloons

Corrosion Control

Bird tracking

Mysterious Tracking

A day in the control room

A day on a Super Connie

The Vanguard Experience

21st Century Activity







Impact Prediction Plot Board
The visit of the Honorable Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Secretary of the Air Force and former Deputy Administrator of NASA. (July 1, 1970, Fred A. Healey)

PME Lab   

R Burgess PME Lab
Reunion January 1998 for last STS tracking Mission of the Bermuda Station   

Back L to R:Clarence Sommner, Les Lynch, Jenette Larson, Bert Larson, Cal Simons, Roger Oldfield
   Front: Robert Burgess, Allan Furbert, William Todd  
Back L to R:Roger Oldfield, Cal Simons, Bill Way, Clarence Sommner, Allan Furbert, Robert Burgess, Ken Sanderson Front:William Todd, Ray Funk


Cal Simons

Roger Oldfield

Ben Gallup at console John Harvey left Ken Sanderson rightRandy Douglas Son Ken Sanderson left Randy Douglas rightRandy Douglas working with circuitboardsGus Grissom visit to Nasa Bermuda

sotball teamBeach looking west with Plant Maintenance foreground T&C in backgroundCooper's Island Beach looking and dondianne_familydianne/family

joe nogardjohn thompsonphil matocharay americavoice communications matochavoice communications lynch


medalmedaldata switching unit